Thursday, November 13, 2008

Excellent Homeopathic Flu Remedies

Flu virus
Flu virus

Influenza, better know as the flu, is that nasty, contagious virus that we all dread getting. And it seems that no matter how hard some try, they end up with the flu every year. Now, since there is no cure for the flu, we can only try ease the common symptoms (fever, chills, achy muscles, coughing, sore throat). And while there are many over-the-counter cold and flu medicines , there are also many natural and homeopathic remedies that may help flu symptoms. And I have personally used some of these natural remedies aid in easing my cold and flu symptoms. Here is a list of the items that have help me.

Elderberry is said to help break fever and eases muscle aches. I specifically used Sambucol syrup by Natures Way but there are many other brands. And elderberry comes in many forms such as lozenges, tinctures, extracts, and concentrates. I definitely noticed a change in my symptoms from using sambucol.

Zinc helps to boost the immune system. And although the jury is still out on zinc's affect on cold and flu symptoms, it seemed to help me get over my symptoms faster. I used zinc lozenges by Source Naturals but there are many brands.

Kold Kare by Kare-n-Herbs is a natural herbal supplement for colds, flu, and sinusitis. The active ingredient in Kold Kare is andrographis paniculata which, according to the Kare-n-herbs website "has proven to be an effective prophylactic against the common cold, flu and sinusitis." I have used this for a couple of years and it seems help shorten cold and flu duration.

Natra-Bio Sore Throat spray really helped relieve my sore throat. This spray uses an herbal mixture of cone flower, blue gum tree, kava kava, garden thyme, pokeweed, club moss, cayenne, peppermint, and phosphorus.

Drinking warm liquids such as decaffeinated tea , lemon and honey with warm water, and ginger tea (couple ginger slices steeped in hot water) are very soothing to the throat and can help ease coughing, and break up mucus. And there is also Chicken Noodle soup which has been shown in some scientific studies to possibly help ease cold and flu symptoms. Adding hot pepper, curry, and other spices and help with congestion also.

Eucalyptus plant
Eucalyptus plant
Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus essential oil can help to make breathing easier and ease congestion. I usually add a couple drops to a sink full of hot water and breathe in the steam. There are also some rubs containing eucalyptus that can be massaged on the chest.

Garlic is an immunity booster, eases congestion and has some antimicrobial properties. I add garlic to many foods but there are garlic pills if you would rather not taste or smell garlic.

All of these products and natural items have made my cold and flu seasons a lot easier and shorter.

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