Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Natural Hair Fave: Haritage Hydration

Do you ever randomly search for items on etsy? I do. One day, some months ago, I did a random search for natural hair butter. And I wasn't necessarily in need of more hair products. I was just curious to see what would come up. Well... what came up was over 700 (about 18 pages worth) items. I looked through them all.  And while there were plenty of great sounding products, I was most intrigued  Hairitage hydration. I checked out their shop and I wanted to try almost everything. There were lots of trial sizes too, which is awesome.  It gives me a chance to try the product and determine if  I want to buy full sizes.  After adding some items to my favorites, I checked out Hairitage Hydration on  Facebook and twitter. And that's when I saw it. They were having a major sale for 30% off. I didn't hesitate to go back to the shop and get what I wanted most.

Here's what I got:
(l to r)
Happy Hemp Hair Pomade 2oz
Coconut Yuzu Love 2oz (currently not on the site)
Cocoaloe Hydrator 4oz (missing label)
Soft and Creamy Horsetail Hair Butter 4 oz

I tried them as soon I got them and they worked beautifully on my hair.  My hair felt very soft and moisturized with these products. And I like the way they smell. The Hydrator and Coconut Yuzu Love are tropical and coconutty. While the Happy Hemp and Horsetail Butter smell  more herbal, which I love. Those  who prefer fruity or dessert fragrances might not care for them as much though.
Overall I was really pleased with these products and I'll definitely return to Hairitage Hydration  to repurchase my faves and try something new.
Do you buy handmade hair care or personal care items?

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